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Applied Javascript V2
What Are We Doing In This Course (2:48)
The Training Style of this Course
Enjoy What You Do (1:39)
Building Software
Mac specific tips (3:46)
Tools (18:04)
Words of Wisdom
Learn to Learn (5:18)
Job Description (4:52)
How To Ask A Question (5:32)
Trust The Process
Notes (5:05)
Teach (2:42)
Understanding (3:05)
Practice (1:31)
Build Your Own Software
Coming up With Ideas
Day 2 - Node.js
What is Node.js? (18:27)
Further Thinking
Day 2 - Module System
What is it? (9:56)
CommonJS Modules (15:08)
Built in Modules
Day 2 - Node.js Step by Step
Process Args (12:06)
User Input (15:04)
Writing Files (3:56)
Reading Files (3:26)
Day 3 - Troubleshooting
Understanding Errors. (2:44)
Reference Errors (11:06)
Cannot Read Property (7:56)
Chrome Developer Tools (7:42)
Day 3 - Debugging
What is debugging? (6:27)
Debugging Node with VSCode Part I (13:17)
Debugging Node with VSCode Part II (11:18)
Debugging Node with VSCode Part III (4:30)
Debugging Node with VSCode Example (5:34)
Debugging web pages with Google Chrome (6:55)
Day 4 - npm
Overview (10:40)
init, adduser & publish (9:03)
Updating a package version (7:05)
npm install (7:52)
npm install and gitignore (10:08)
npm run (9:44)
npm run II (4:39)
Day 5 - The Internet
ACA Store
Understanding the Internet
How Do Computers Communicate (9:55)
Understanding the Message (10:23)
What is a Server (9:10)
What is a Client?
Where's My IP (3:58)
Where is the port number?
REST (6:00)
Day 5 - HTTP
HTTP Messages (5:26)
HTTP Practice (5:27)
HTTP Practice - Method & Headers (6:32)
HTTP Practice - Request Body (4:22)
HTTP Practice - Response (5:16)
Testing Servers
Postman (7:31)
Postman II (6:20)
Day 5 - Fetch
Make a Message (7:25)
Method, Body and Headers (9:16)
Default Host (6:17)
Node HTTP (7:51)
Day 6 - Building a Server with NodeJS
Building a server program with NodeJs
Listen for incoming messages (10:56)
Send back a response message (6:59)
Implement REST (7:05)
Implementing REST II (5:31)
Reading the Body (9:57)
Path Variables (7:50)
Path Variables II (9:27)
Finishing Up
Day 7 - Express
What and Why (4:08)
How (6:37)
Implementing REST (6:20)
Handling the Body (7:24)
Saving the Body (6:25)
Path Variables (9:15)
Day 8 - MVC
Intro (4:15)
Routes (5:21)
Controllers (8:02)
Troubleshooting (5:18)
Day 9 - MongoDB
What is the problem? (6:09)
Why a Database (6:56)
What is a Database (5:51)
Robo 3T (6:03)
Connecting to Database (3:56)
What is a connection
Saving Something (5:49)
Using Compass with MongoDB Atlas (5:27)
Day 10 - Mongoose
Whats the Problem? (4:31)
Getting Started (6:59)
Mongoose Schema (7:16)
Mongoose Model Save (4:31)
Mongoose Model Find (5:02)
Mongoose Update (5:41)
Clean Up (5:26)
Mongoose in a server (8:36)
Day 11 - Authentication
Intro (3:32)
Client Sign Up (7:39)
Client Log In (5:12)
Authentication Checklist
Build Our Own Authentication (4:05)
Why Are We Authenticating (3:33)
Server Sign Up (7:20)
Password Problem (3:26)
Handling Passwords (6:43)
bcrypt (4:33)
Implement bcrypt in the server (3:23)
Authenticate I (4:14)
Authenticate II (5:35)
bcrypt compare (5:02)
token (4:35)
Server sign in (5:47)
JWT (3:52)
jsonwebtoken sign (5:00)
jsonwebtoken verify (5:45)
User specific data (7:03)
Web Client
Day 12 - React
Intro (7:49)
Step by Step
Without React (5:41)
Add React (5:53)
First React Component (4:26)
Props (4:10)
JSX (7:14)
More JSX (6:18)
JSX Rules (5:28)
JSX Tags (7:18)
Component Files (7:44)
return (6:12)
Child Components (5:13)
Dynamic Components (7:14)
Map Components (2:46)
Key Prop (5:12)
App (5:30)
Prop Driling (5:38)
Review (2:41)
Day 12 - React Events
Intro to Events (5:01)
React Events (5:16)
Event Object (4:06)
Event Example (9:39)
Event Example 2 (6:29)
Day 13 - React Component Communication
Intro (4:57)
Analogy (4:53)
Functions in Props (6:55)
Re Rendering (6:29)
Day 13 - React Class Components
State (4:12)
Convert to Class (4:04)
this (4:27)
Parent state (6:18)
setState (5:05)
Controlled Input (10:11)
Day 14 - More React
Conditional Rendering (10:20)
React Children (6:53)
Lifecycle Methods
Day 15 - ES6 Modules
Intro (4:19)
Implementing es6 modules (8:11)
Day 15 - Javascript Tooling
Intro (4:29)
ES6 Syntax (4:42)
Babel and JSX (5:53)
Global Variables (5:30)
Too Many Scripts (4:37)
Day 16 - Redux
Design Patterns (6:31)
Pub Sub (5:23)
Intro (5:15)
State (4:07)
Reducers (3:57)
Store and Subscribe (5:32)
dispatch (5:39)
Debug the process (8:11)
Rules (5:54)
Day 16 - Using Redux in React
Setup (3:25)
createStore (3:19)
getState (9:29)
When to subscribe (3:04)
subscribe (4:53)
dispatch (5:46)
Day 17 & 18 - react-redux
Intro (6:24)
Setup (5:17)
Provider (6:52)
mapStateToProps (13:01)
mapDispatchToProps (10:29)
Container Components (10:35)
Presentational Components (5:56)
Clean up reducers and store (6:32)
Clean up actions (5:57)
Clean up action types (5:27)
Immutability (3:26)
Immutability in Reducers (8:03)
Day 19 - Client Side Routing
What is a SPA (4:11)
SPA vs MPA (4:57)
Day 20 - Deployment
What is the Problem (7:47)
Heroku (5:04)
The Server (7:52)
dotenv (8:19)
Heroku Settings (5:09)
Procfile (4:36)
PORT (6:19)
The Client (9:51)
Immutability in Reducers
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